Flower Arrangement Bouquet
Our Dried flower bouquets are a great accent to any room, vase, shelf, table, or space.
The height can vary from 7 inches to 17 inches.
Perfect for any home/office decor. All bunches are hand made and only the best stems are selected. They all come wrapped and tied. Creates the perfect aesthetic in any space!
These bunches come ready to be gifted or unwrapped and put into a vase. Perfect gift for mothers day, valentines day, birthdays, anniversaries, events and MORE!
These dried bouquets are all handmade, and as a result may slightly vary from original picture.This variation can be by color and flower. Please know that we do our best to make them all as similar as possible, but we also embrace their uniqueness!
Looking for a custom arrangement? Email us at Info@divinebathintention.com! We love making custom arrangements and will work with you to create the perfect arrangement!